On a world scale, a huge concentration could be observed in viticulture and wine production during the last few decades. According to Kym Anderson [2003] the development of global wine market may be put at the 1990s. In the traditional European wine producing countries collaborations and integrations, as conditions for the safe operation of the sector, had been formed some decades before. Cooperation is necessary, because in many cases, only it can solve or mitigate the issues from global challenges. In our times assertion of interests and minimizing costs are becoming increasingly important, in which different forms of cooperation can provide great help. This study is intended to show what kind of collaborations can be noticed in the wine production of Hungary, and which form of cooperation could be the best one to manage the current professional issues. It examines how to adapt the basic principles of integrations that have achieved success abroad. The topicality of this matter is strengthened by the fact that Zsolt Feldman [2016] ranks the elaboration of inter-trade agreements, which can be the first step of cooperation by all means, amongst the most important tasks of the sector based on the FM-HNT partnership.
Celem artykułu jest ocena różnych form współpracy na przykładzie węgierskiego sektora uprawy winogron i produkcji wina. Analizie poddano współpracę na zasadzie integracji w oparciu o ideę klastra, którą porównano z systemem kontraktacji. Stwierdzono, że klastry przynoszą wiele korzyści, jednak forma ta nie jest jeszcze dostatecznie rozwinięta, głównie z uwagi na ograniczone zaufanie uczestników i brak jasnych celów o charakterze długookresowym. Stąd bardziej dominująca jest kontraktacja.