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Mammal-like tooth from the Upper Triassic of Poland

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Recent Triassic discoveries have extended the record of near-mammals (Mammaliaformes) back to the Norian, about 215 Ma, and reveal a significant diversity of Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) forms. We now add to this Late Triassic diversity a nearly complete double-rooted right lower molariform tooth (ZPAL V.33/734) from the Polish Upper Triassic that is significant because it comes from uppermost Norian–lower Rhaetian rocks and is the first discovery of a mammal-like tooth in the Mesozoic of Poland. The described tooth shows transitional dental morphology between advanced cynodonts and mammaliaforms and it appears to represent a basal mammaliaform (genus Hallautherium), probably belonging to Morganucodonta.

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  • Institute of Palaeobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland
  • Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland
  • Department of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University, Norbyvagen 18A, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden
  • Institute of Palaeobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland


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