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2. Ulshin V.A., Gorbunov A.I. Analysis of the structure of an industrial complex for the production of masonry units as an object of control. // V.Dal East Ukrainian National University Journal. – N 12 (118). – 2007. – P. 236-242.
3. Gorbunov A.I., Ulshin V.A. Analysis of the technological process of production of silica brick as an automation object. // http://www.nbuv.gov.ua V.Dal East Ukrainian National University Journal. – N 2 . – 2008.
4. Gorbunov A.I., Ulshin V.A. Analysis of the technological processes of production of ceramic bricks as automation objects. // V.Dal East Ukrainian National University Journal. – N 5 (123) parts 2 – 2008. – P. 131-139.
5. Ulshin V.A., Gorbunov A.I. On the automation of production complex for the manufacture of masonry units. // V.Dal East Ukrainian National University Journal. – N 1 (119). – 2008. – P. 178-185.
6. Ulshin V.A., Gorbunov A.I. The concept of automating complex mechanized production of concrete products (BSDI). // V.Dal East Ukrainian National University Journal. – N 1 (95). – 2006. – P. 225-231.
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12. Gorbunov, A.I., Shulgin S.K., Azarnikov V.I., Kushkov D.G., Danilko S.A. Computer simulation of technological processes of manufacturing small-size building products. / / Proceedings of Luhansk office of the International Academy of Informatization. - № 1 (18). - 2009. - P. 17-21.
13. Borisov V.V., Kruglov V.V., Fedulov A.S. Fuzzy models and nets. – Moscow: Hot Line – Telekom Publishing, 2007. – 284 p.
14. Ulshin V.A., Gorbunov A.I. The principle of automatic control process of preparation of multicomponent mixtures set humidity in the production of small sized building products. // V.Dal East Ukrainian National University Journal. – N 1 (131). – 2009. – P. 214-221.
15. Ulshin V.A., Gorbunov A.I. Dynamical properties of the process of mixing a given humidity in the production of small sized construction products as objects of automatic control. 14. Proceedings of Luhansk office of the International Academy of Informatization. №2 (19) 2009. Part 1. - p. 141-146.
16. Ulshin V.A., Gorbunov A.I. Synthesis of automatic control system of the bricks hroduction’ mix preparing // V.Dal East Ukrainian National University Journal. – N 5 (135). – 2009. – P. 82-87.
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