Field research on the ruderal flora of fifteen abandoned villages in Kampinos National Park revealed that among the 550 vascular plant species identified, 13% represent the oldest flora settlers, or archeophytes. The number of archeophytes in particular villages varied from 28 to 46. Only 8 species were present in all of the villages: Armoracia rusticana, Ballota nigra, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Descurainia sophia, Geranium pusillum, Malva neglecta, Urtica urens and Viola arvensis. Distribution of the archeophytes in particular villages was generally low. Only Descurainia sophia and Capsella bursa-pastoris were common. The study detected the results of ongoing intensive depopulation in most of the villages followed by a decrease in anthropopressure. The de-synanthropization of the areas studied caused the extinction of several species that were once common. Among the rare and endangered species of synanthropic flora of Kampinos National Park 24 archeophytes were found, including such rare species as Asperugo procumbens, Atriplex rosea, Chenopodium ficifolium and Papaver strigosum.