Polysarcus denticauda was found in 63 localities and 13% of all squares of the Slovak Fauna Databank, relatively regular throughout Slovakia. Before 2004, the occurrence was known from 28 squares and approximately from 35 localities. In 2004-2009, the authors recorded this species for the first time in 28 localities in 25 DFS mapping squares. Authors suggest that this increase in records is due to intensified mapping. The species was mainly registered in traditionally used mountain hay meadows (71% localities, n = 59), less in lowlands, but only in well-preserved traditional farming hay meadows (29% localities). More than 30% of all localities were situated higher than 1000 m a.s.l. In mountain localities, species was accompanied with Metrioptera brachyptera, Tettigonia cantans, Isophya camptoxypha, Miramella alpina, Pseudopodisma nagyi, Psophus stridulus, and in lowlands also with some rare, sometimes even hygrophilous species: Gampsocleis glabra, Tettigonia caudata, Ruspolia nitidula, Stethophyma grossum, Mecostethus parapleurus and Dociostaurus brevicollis.