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1988 | 34 | 2 |

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Przeciwciała wiążące dopełniacz u kobiet zarażonych jednocześnie różnymi gatunkami Trichomonas

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Complement binding antibodies in women infected with various Trichomonas species simultaneously

Języki publikacji



The objective of the study was to ascertain the presence of complement binding antibodies against T. vaginalis, T. tenax and hominis in the blood of women with chronic simultaneous (two species) trichomoniasis, and a comparison of the dynamics of antibody formation in the blood of women with one species trichomoniasis. The determinations were made prior to and following the treatment with Fasigyn, in hope to obtain additional data on antigene properties of trichomonas parasites of human organism. The test for complement binding was made for 144 women, 84 of them simultaneously infected with two of the three species of Trichomonas mentioned above and 60 with one. It has been found that in the former the complement binding antibodies attain higher concentrations (except antibodies against T. hominis), and following the Fasigyn treatment in all the cases they return to the normal level later than in respective monospecific trichomoniasis. The highest concentrations of the antibodies, both against T. vaginalis and T. tenax have been found in women with simultaneous trichomoniasis of urogenital system and oral cavity. Lower concentrations of the antibodies against both these species of Trichomonas have been found in women with simultaneous trichomoniasis of both urogenital system and intestine or both intestine and oral cavity. This can be accounted for by a dose antigene relationship between T. vaginalis and T. tenax, and a much more distant relationship of both these species on the one hand and T. hominis on the other.








Opis fizyczny



  • Katedra Biologii i Parazytologii, Wyższy Instytut Medyczny, Akademia Medyczna, Płowdiw
  • Katedra Biologii i Parazytologii, Wyższy Instytut Medyczny, Akademia Medyczna, Płowdiw
  • Katedra Biologii i Parazytologii, Wyższy Instytut Medyczny, Akademia Medyczna, Płowdiw


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