Powszechnie wiadomo, że każde składowisko odpadów komunalnych, nawet prawidłowo zaprojektowane i eksploatowane stanowi potencjalne źródło zanieczyszczenia okolicznych gleb zanieczyszczeniami chemicznymi i mikrobiologicznymi prowadzącymi do pogorszenia warunków wegetacyjnych roślin uprawnych. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena składu chemicznego i mikrobiologicznego zanieczyszczeń znajdujących się na powierzchni bulw ziemniaka oraz analiza wpływu ich występowania w glebie na zawartość na bulwach. Zanieczyszczenia chemiczne znajdujące się na powierzchni bulw ziemniaka i w glebie analizowano za pomocą mikroskopu elektronowego NOVA NANO SEM s 300 metodą EDS, natomiast analizy mikrobiologiczne przeprowadzono metodą seryjnych rozcieńczeń. Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz wykazały na powierzchni bulw ziemniaka uprawianego na obszarze i w bezpośrednim otoczeniu składowiska komunalnego obecność oprócz pierwiastków zaliczanych do makro- i mikroelementów również pierwiastki z grupy metali ciężkich, a także występowanie bakterii i grzybów. Wykazano, że usytuowanie poletka względem składowiska miało znaczący wpływ na obserwowane zanieczyszczenia.
Chemical composition of plants depends on many factors, among others on plants properties, growth conditions and soil fertility. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of municipal landfill site on chemical and microbiological composition of contaminants present on the surface of potato tubers and to analyze the effect of soil pollution with these elements on their content in tubers. The experimental plots were established in the vicinity of the municipal landfill. Field plots were located on each side of the landfill, in two zones 50–200 and 250–500 m from its borders and in the area of reclaimed sector. Samples of potato tubers for laboratory tests were taken during the harvest in two growing seasons. Chemical composition of contaminants present on potato tubers surface and in the soil was analyzed with the electron microscopy NOVA NANO SEM s 300 with EDS technique, whereas microbial analysis were performed using serial dilution method. The results of conducted analyses revealed that on the surface of potato tubers cultivated in the area and in the vicinity of municipal landfill site are present both commonly found in the environment macro- and micro-elements, i.e. C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al., Si, P, S, K, Ca, Cl, as well as heavy metals, i.e. Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Ni, and also bacteria and fungi. Analyses of the results revealed a significant increase of iron (Fe) content on tubers surface sampled from plots located outside the landfill site. A significant correlation between the presence of elements in the soil and their contents in the chemical composition of pollutants on the surface of the potato tuber was for silicon Si (R = 0.47, p <0.05), sulfur, S (R = 0.51, p <0.05) and cadmium Cd (R = 0.57, p <0.05). Total number of bacteria and fungi per gram dry weight of the potato tubers grown in plots located in the vicinity of municipal landfill range respectively: from 5.3·10³ to 8.7·10⁴ cfu·g⁻¹ d.m., and from 2.9·10³ to 2.5·10⁴ cfu·g⁻¹ d.m. Analyses of the results also revealed a significant increase of the number of microorganisms on tubers surface sampled from plots located more than 250 m from the landfill site boundaries. Statistical analysis showed no significant correlation between the content of elements on the surface of potato tubers, and the occurrence of the tested microorganisms. It has been shown that the localization of plots to the landfill site had a significant effect on the observed contamination.