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2014 | 08 | 2 |

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The effect evaluation of physical education experimental program for physical rehabilitation groups using callanetics on progress level of students' cardiovascular system with II-III degree of scoliosis


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Nowadays there is a tendency of deterioration in young people health. Despite sharp rise in disease level of students there are no changes in current program of physical education for students of higher educational institution; it is significant problem of physical culture and sport field. It is also worth noting there is no special educational program for students who are referred to physical rehabilitation groups because of their health condition. So in the face of the deterioration of students' health condition there appears a need to search the effective methods of physical education which can facilitate the solving of an actual problem. The objective of research is determination of the effectiveness of Callanetics experimentally during educational process of students of the II-III level of scoliosis. For achieving this goal there were used the following methods of research: theoretical analysis and synthesis; testing of functional indicators of cardiovascular system (heart rate and blood pressure - systolic, diastolic and pulse); statistical data processing. The analysis of results gives evidence about effectiveness of physical educational experimental program using callanetics for physical rehabilitation groups with students of the II-III level of scoliosis. It is proved that this program has had a significant impact on the functional indicators of the cardiovascular system, it is also defined as the criterion of fitness level and adaptation abilities of an organism. The results can be used in further practice of physical education classes with groups of physical rehabilitation faculty.

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  • Lesya Ukrainka East European National University in Lutsk, 43005 Peremogy, 25, 34, Lutsk, Ukraina


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