Hungary is expected be the European Union member state by 2004 according to the accession talks. In this respect the main question of agricultural modernisation involves the evaluation of integration and its role - specially the motivation factors, the type of integration and the integrator it self. Financing has got a sufficient role in integrating agricultural farms just as well as good sales conditions, obtaining and maintaining dominant market positions, and manufacturing quality goods. All these aims can be met only by a vertical organisation, which includes marketing, financing, buying and selling channels, and also capable to transform market demand and information into important production factors. The contribution of the Hungarian food industry to GDP is bigger than those of the most European Union member states. Food industry has even more significant role in respect of export-import balance, because it is the only industry having 1,5-2 billion US dollar positive result in net export. Therefore, in the new situation - concerning competitiveness in the EU home market - it is very important to develop and modernise this industry. In this paper we show the traditional integration-cooperation formations (that were formed during the socialist regime), after that we analyse the effects of their disintegration as a cause of political transition in the 90s, and furthermore we take the new forms and possibilities together with the arising problems as well. We also evaluate the role of cooperatives in this process, and the desired trends for the future.
Podstawowym zagadnieniem modernizacji rolnictwa jest ponowna ocena roli i znaczenia integracji. Pośród czynników integracji szczególną rolą odgrywa finansowanie oraz zdobycie i utrzymanie na rynku odpowiedniej pozycji. Temu odpowiada taka wertykalna forma organizacji, która obejmuje marketing, finansowanie, zaopatrzenie, zbyt i produkcje artykułów o wysokiejjakości. Zmiany polityczne i gospodarcze jakie zaszły na Węgrzech w latach 90 - ych nie włynęły pozytywnie na te procesy. Z punktu widzenia zwiększania konkurencyjności niezbędny jest znaczny rozwój i modernizacja tej dziedziny.