Objęcie polskiego rolnictwa na obszarach o niekorzystnych warunkach gospodarowania wsparciem finansowym ma na celu podtrzymanie i rozwijanie działalności rolniczej oraz powstrzymanie marginalizacji społeczno- -gospodarczej. Na podstawie danych z 79 gospodarstw określono wpływ dopłat ONW na kształtowanie się dochodów. W strukturze przychodów dopłaty do ONW stanowiły od 4,18 do 6,28%. Ustalono również, że zastosowanie tego instrumentu wsparcia spowodowało wzrost dochodów rolniczych w badanych gospodarstwach od 9,19 do 23,13% w zależności od regionu i skali produkcji.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the economic efficiency and the determination of compensatory payments to LFA in formation of incomes of beef farms producing in different natural conditions. The study was covered 79 farms keeping beef cattle in Poland – South and North-East. For data collection was developed a questionnaire. Farms are assigned to three groups depending on the size of beef production. Areas LFA comprise 84.22-87.63% of total farmlands of studied objects. The sales of beef depending on the region, comprise from 17.33 to 28.27% in the structure of income. Significant effect on improvement of economic situation of beef farms had compensatory payments to less-favored areas (LFA). They comprise from 4.18% in incomes structure of south region to 6.28% for north-east region. During the analysis of farm profitability it was stated that owing to LFA the farmers’ incomes increased to about 15.25- 17.79%. Summing up it is necessary to point that obtained by studied farms compensatory surcharges and grants decided mainly of positive economic result of agricultural activity.