Guinea pigs, weighing about 200 g were found to die 8-12 days after being infected with 30000 invasive eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides suis. The leucocyte agglutination reaction (Fleck's leukergy) persisted from the first day up to the death, reaching high values (50%) beginning from the 5th postinfection day. Leukergy was accompanied by leucocytosis (up to 190000 in 1 mm³). The temperature rise up to 40-41° occurred at 3-4 postinfection day with the subsequent fall, even below 35°. The decrease in the body weight beginning from the 5th postinfection day up to the death was 60-90g. Cough appeared by the 5th-6th postinfection day. The disappearence of leukergy is believed to be one of the alarm reactions of the body to the migrating larvae of A. lumbricoides suis.