. W opracowaniu podjęto próbę wyznaczenia i oceny różnic w wydajności pracy w towarowych gospodarstwach rolniczych uczestniczących w polskim FADN. Zróżnicowanie rolnictwa polskiego w zakresie wydajności pracy oceniono w czterech regionach FADN wg typów rolniczych. Analizy wskazują na wysokie zróżnicowanie wydajności pracy w różnych typach produkcyjnych i regionach.
Commercial farms in Poland reveal a far-reaching diversifi cation of labour effi ciency. The diversity occurs between the production types of farms and FADN regions, therefore also between the farms of the same type located in various regions. Considering the whole country the highest effi ciency characterized farms specializing in swine and poultry husbandry. The lowest labour effi ciency was observed on farms without specialization. According to the regional approach, in view of effi ciency indicators, the dominance of the farms in the Pomorze and Mazury Regions is perceivable. The lowest labour effi ciency is characteristic for the Malopolska and Pogórze Regions. Combining the effi ciency results according to the types and regions allows for a conclusion that small area swine and poultry farms in the Pomorze and Mazury Regions revealed the highest soil productivity. On the other hand the lowest productivity was reached by farms without specialization in the Malopolska and Pogórze Regions.