Carbonated waters and waters containing carbon dioxide have long been exploited in the Polish Outer Carpathians, especially in the Krynica subunit of Magura Nappe. Exploitation of these waters in the Zubrzyk area is the latest hydrogeological development. The first boreholes were drilled in the early 21st century. Currently, exploitation of therapeutic waters is managed by three boreholes. Two of them (Z-2 and Z-3a) have a database of several years of observation of physical and chemical parameters. The Z-8 borehole was included in exploitation only in early 2016. The Z-2 borehole takes in HCO₃-Ca-Mg-Na carbonated water, the Z-3a borehole takes in HCO₃-Na-Mg-Ca carbonated water, and the Z-8 borehole intakes HCO₃-Na-Mg water containing carbon dioxide.