W diecie człowieka ważną grupą roślin są rośliny zbożowe. Dostarczają one Polakom 1184 kcal·osoba⁻¹·doba⁻¹, co zaspokaja w 33–45% potrzeby energetyczne mężczyzn w wieku 19–31 lat. Wśród roślin zbożowych cennym gatunkiem z żywieniowego punktu widzenia jest owies. Dlatego celem badań było określenie wpływu doboru genotypu oraz sezonu wegetacyjnego na realizację zalecanego spożycia (RDA) lub wystarczającego spożycia (AI) poszczególnych składników mineralnych. W ziarnie owsa, po mineralizacji na sucho w piecu muflowym, w temperaturze 550°C, oznaczono zawartość Mg, Ca, Na, K i P metodą ICP-AES. Analiza składu ziarna owsa ze ścisłego eksperymentu polowego, założonego według planu frakcyjnego 3⁴⁻¹, dowiodła bardzo małego, ale co istotne – zmiennego wpływu na realizację RDA/AI składników mineralnych, po uwzględnieniu w całodobowej racji pokarmowej (CRP) różnych genotypów owsa nagoziarnistego, pochodzących z trzech sezonów wegetacyjnych.
An important group of plants in the diet of the man is cereals. They deliver Poles 1,178 kcal per capita per day, what supply from 33 to 45% energy needs for men aged 19–31. Among cereals from the nutritional point of view the most valuable is oat, but unfortunately the participation of oat in the consumption structure of cereals is only 1%. Possible effect of vegetation season and genotype on mineral content in oat grain testifies the necessity to conduct mineral composition analysis. This factors will imply changes in the amount of macro- and microelements consumed with the grain. In result the realization of recommended dietary allowance (RDA) or adequate intake (AI) of individual components will be modified, whereas the analysis of these changes was the aim of the paper. A multifactor experiment was conducted following the fractional factorial design (3⁴⁻¹) in Prusy near Cracow. Analyses of mineral composition covered STH 560, STH 15464 strains and one naked oat Polar. Following dry mineralization in a muffle furnace at 550°C, the content of Mg, Ca, Na, K and P were assessed by means of ICP-AES method. The effect of genotype of naked oat grain and the vegetation seasons on the realization of recommended or adequate mineral intake were determined for a group of men aged 19–31. The observations were subjected to a statistical analysis using ANOVA procedure. Because the analyzed sources of variability were represented on three levels, variability of factors was broken down to linear and squared component. It was occurred that the differentiation of the realization RDA/AI after taking into account the contribution into daily diet of different genotypes of the naked oat derived from different vegetative seasons was very small. Evaluated the influence of the naked oats genotypes on the changes of the realization RDA/AI of different mineral components could be find that this are very variable influences.