The most important objectives of state intervention in the agricultural sector during the whole period of preparation for Poland's membership of the European Union should be as follows: build modern structures of agribusiness and well-organized agricultural/food markets as well as transform the economic structure of rural areas in order to create opportunities for non-agricultural employment. The current economic condition of agriculture and rural areas shows that the measures taken have proved hardly effective. The reasons should certainly be sought in the capacity of the government budget but also in the specific nature of the system of intervention, which comprises: its social character, negligible changes in spending structure, mostly passive measures, and the lack of a well-defined entity taking intervention measures. Poland 's accession to the EU will certainly increase the possibility of external funding of the development of food sector and rural areas, but it will not relieve us of the need to draw up our own plans of assistance to this sector in order to speed up economic changes. This calls for changes in the existing forms of intervention.