Volodymyr Dal East-Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, Ukraine
1. Batrakov V.G., 1990. Modified concretes. - М.: Stroyizdat. – 396 p.
2. Berg O.Ya., 1961. Physical fundamentals of the theory of concrete elasticity and steel concrete. – М.: Stroyizdat. – 95.
3. Berg O.Ya., 1961. Physical fundamentals of the theory of concrete elasticity and steel concrete. – М.: Stroyizdat. – 95.
4. Lermit Р., 1959. Problems of a technology of a concrete. – М.: Gosstroyizdat. – 294 p.
5. Osidze V.I., 1964. About plastic ratio of concretes//Works of Tbylissi Scientific Investigative Construction State Experimental Institute named after A.V. Winter. – Vol. 15. – P. 115-124.
6. Stolyarov Ya.V., 1941. Introduction into theory of a steel concrete. – М.: Gosstroyizdat. – 264 p.
7. Svatovskaya L.B., Sychev М.М., 1983. Activated hardening of concretes – L.: Stroyizdat, Leningrad department. – 160 p.
8. Under edition L.G. Shpynova, 1981. Physical chemical basis of structure formation of a cementing stone. – Lvov: High school. Printing at Lvov university. – 160 p.