A 5-month-old and 2 kg body weight male domestic shorthaired cat was referred with 4 days history of gait worsening. It had progressed to paraplegia by the day of admission. The cat had a history of fall from a tree with no obvious trauma 4 weeks before presentation. CT-myelography revealed marked asymmetrical extradural compression caused by a questionable soft tissue density in the right dorsal aspect of the vertebral canal at the L4 vertebra. A right-sided hemilaminectomy centered near the base of the spinal process of the L4 vertebra was performed. After opening the spinal canal pus exuded from the epidural space, and a large amount of friable tissue compressed of the spinal cord was retrieved. The dorso-lateral part of the exposed dural sac was covered by a layer of reddish granulation tissue. The cat was ambulatory but weak with deep pain perception 3 days after surgery. Histopathological analysis of tissue retrieved from the spinal canal revealed pyogranulomatous inflammation. No etiological agents were isolated in the aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture. A follow-up examination 6 months postoperatively showed good progress in ambulation, with mild prioprioceptive deficits in the hind limbs. Spinal epidural empyema in cats is a very rare condition. Till now, two such cases have been described. The presented case broadens the knowledge about this disease in cats. Spinal epidural empyema should be included in a list of possible causes for cats with progressive myelopathy and spinal pain.