For effective forest management, comprehensive information on the condition and structure of wood resources is needed, as well as a forecast of their development and the possibility of harvest cutting in the long term. The paper objectives is to present a methodology of predicting the development of wood resources and the possibility of main cutting based on the current state of the forest. Presented methodology of the forecast preparation is based on the inductive type of prediction in which future directions of changes are predicted based on past events. Such forecast finds expression of conscious human activity in actively shaping the future, while it does not seek to determine the target state of the forest, but it is assumed that shaping the state of the forest can be subject to constant evolution. The forecast of the development of wood resources in individual forest areas may be based on the data contained in the forest management plans, and these data may be compiled either for individual forest districts (or other forest units), or for groups of forest districts (e.g. for regional directorates of the State Forests, or the State Forests in total). The initial data, necessary to make forecasts, are primarily: a tabular comparison of the stands area and volume in age classes and subclasses; projected afforestation area; intensity indicators of final cutting and intermediate felling determining the harvesting intensity in relation to the size of wood resources in individual classes and age subclasses; and the expected volume of current volume increment over the adopted forecast periods. Additional data contains: approximate share of clear− and complex cutting in final felling; adopted distribution according to the age classes of the young generation after removal cuts in stands kept in complex cutting; average length of the regeneration period; and average age of stands in regeneration classes – used to determine the average age in forest areas for which a forecast is made. Presented methodology makes it possible to determine and analyse anticipated changes in area and volume in age classes, average age and average stand volume as well as possibilities of final and intermediate cutting, and the harvesting intensity in relation to the size of wood resources and the current volume increase in the adopted forecast periods.