In the mycological analysis of rooms for livestock carried out in Malopolskie Voivodship, there were identified 63 species of mould fungi which were classified as 19 genera. Indoor mould included the most abundant genus of Penicillium (36.5% — 23 species), second most abundant genus of Aspergillus (22.2% — 14 species), genus of Fusarium (6.3% — 4 species), and Alternaria (4.8% — 3 species). The most abundant were saprophytic moulds commonly found in natural environment; they represented 82.5% of population. The remaining 11 fungus species in natural environment are saprophytic or parazytic. Among the fungi, a particularly dangerous for animal health Aspergillus fumigatus occured with high frequency. Among the isolated mould fungi, 28 species able to produce mocotoxins were identified.