Impact of pre-sowing exposure of seeds to static magnetic field were studied on 1 month old maize [Zea mays. var: HQPM.1] plants under field conditions. Prestandardized magnetic field strength of 100 mT (2 h) and 200 mT (1 h), which were proven best for improving different seedling parameters under laboratory condition, were used for this study. Magnetic field treatment altered growth, superoxide radical level, antioxidant enzymes and photosynthesis. Among the different growth parameters, leaf area and root length were the most enhanced parameters (78–40%, respectively), over untreated plants. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy study showed that superoxide radical was reduced and hydroxyl radical was unaffected after magnetic field treatment. With decrease in free radical content, antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase and peroxidase were also reduced by 43 and 23%, respectively, in plants that emerged from magnetically treated seeds. Measurement of Chlorophyll a fluorescence by plant efficiency analyzer showed that the potential of processing light energy through photosynthetic machinery was enhanced by magnetic field treatment. Performance index of the plant enhanced up to two-fold and phenomenological leaf model showed more active reaction centers after magnetic field treatment. Among the two field strengths used, 200 mT (1 h) was more effective in altering all these parameters. It is concluded that pre-sowing magnetic field treatment can be effectively used for improving plant growth and development under field conditions.