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2015 | 159 | 02 |

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Zespoły chrząszczy ściółkowych w gospodarczych i chronionych borach sosnowych - efekt 15 lat ochrony rezerwatowej

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Coleoptera assemblages inhabiting managed and preserved pine forests - the effect of fifteen years of reserve conservation

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The assemblages of Coleoptera have been examined in the managed and reserved mature pine forests of Lithuania since 1997. Beetles have been sampled from the forest litter using sieves. The present study is based on the data of 20 litter samples (10 samples per each stand) taken in the period from October 2013 to February 2014. Each sample was compiled of 5 smaller ones taking all litter (up to mineral layer of the soil) from 0.04 m2 plot. During the study a total 450 adults representing 69 species of beetles was discovered. Both the average number of species and the number of individuals were found to be higher in the samples taken in reserved forest and made 10.7±1.4 and 27.2±4.9, whereas in managed forest they made 9.7±1.1 and 17.8±3.4, but the differences were not statistically significant. The proportions of phytophagous, mecetobionts and saprophagous were also bigger in reserved forest: 9.5±2.0, 7.8±2.2, 3.1±1.0 than those in the managed forest, where these groups consisted of 8.0±1.8, 4.9±1.7 and 2.8±1.6 percent of the total number of individuals in the sample, respectively. The opposite proportions were detected for zoophages, which were more ambiguous in the managed forest and were by 76.0±2.5 higher than those in the reserved forest 72.8±3.2. These differences were not statistically significant. A non−metric multidimensional scale (NMDS) using Bray−Curtis similarity matrix indicated low differences of the Coleoptera assemblages between investigated sites (final stress=0.22). The analysis using RDA showed some differences between Coleoptera assemblages inhabiting reserved forest (R) and managed forest (D), which were correlated with proportions of humified mortmass (+0.88) and biomass of moss (–0.63 and –0.71). The dissimilarity index calculated using the algorithm SIMPER, was quite high (71%), but the obtained results showed a relatively low diversity of beetle assemblages in both forests. It means that the process of transformation of the managed forest into reserve is very slow, most likely due to the fact that restoration of the microhabitats is particularly slow. Low differentiation of Coleoptera assemblages dwelling in litter is associated with low dispersal power of most coleopteran species. Thus, the establishment of new reserves in old growth pine forests can not stimulate fast increase of specific beetle diversity mainly because the regenerative processes of microhabitats seem to be extremely slow. The specific diversity of beetle assemblages was slightly higher in the reserved forests, but it was not confirmed statistically. In comparison with the managed old growth pine forest the period of fifteen years of reservation of old growth pine forest has only a very low effect on specific diversity and ecological specialization of the beetles.









Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Biologii i Biotechnologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Aleksandra Stulginskisa, Studentu 11, Akademija, LT-53361, Litwa
  • Koweńskie Muzeum Zoologiczne im.T.Ivanauskasa, Laisves al. 106, Kowno, LT-44253, Litwa
  • Katedra Ochrony Lasu i Ekologii, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, ul.Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa


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