This article was prepared on a base of program lectures and studies presented on posters as well as discussions carried out during plenary sessions and at posters. Comparing to 1980, emission and fall of sulfur (IV) oxide (SO₂) in Poland was clearly reduced, about 36%. Very high dynamics of nitrogen oxides immission can invoke an anxiety. In 1975 - 1990 those compounds fall increased about seven times. At present, the amount of nitrogen emitted with ammonia from animal production is significantly higher than that emitted with nitrogen oxides du to energetic raw materials combustion. Anthropogenic causes of soil acidification due to nitrogen fertilization was also calculated. Among analysed anthropogenic factors, SO₂ imission is the largest source of protons in a country scale, it was 52 - 55% of the total acidification contribution. The percentage nitrogen fertilization in soil acidification is 30 - 45% on the average in Poland. Since 1975 to 1992 was observed the decrease nitrogen fertilization in anthropogenic acidification share. At present, the increase of acidification due to nitrogen fertilizers is noted. Soil acidification results were most often identified with mobilization/immobilization of nutrients and heavy metals. Deficiencies of magnesium and phosphorus as well as excesses of aluminium and manganese symptoms were most often stated on crops in acidic soils.