In the European Union the Producer Organizations (POs) are the key instruments of the coordination of the farmers and the regulation of the fruit and vegetable sector. POs improve the bargaining power of their members against other participants of the product chain. POs decrease the production costs of farmers by common input material procurement and decrease the production risk by organization of sales. A PO is only able to fulfill its aims if its members after the admission remain in the PO, in one word the farmers sale their products via the PO. The paper investigates the reasons of sale via co-operative on the basis of surveys that were made at two Producer Organizations in the Hungarian horticultural sector. The results suggest that the acceptable quantity, the flexibility at delivery, trustworthiness and personal contacts inspire the co-operative members the best sale via PO. The payment speed and the existence of contract could be additional incentive factors. The price and counselling of PO are less important motivation factors.