Administrative and transaction-related costs have a long-established position in economic sciences, including agricultural economics. Unfortunately, so far economists have not created a uniform methodology for defining, classifying, and measuring them. The direction that should be perhaps considered most fecund when seeking advancements in this field, is the Standard Cost Model (SCM) and its derivatives (e.g. ACM). However, it needs to be supplemented with tools from the area of new public management, that is Public Value, CAF, or the ISO 9001 norms. As regards financial interventionism, administrative and transaction-related costs first made their appearance in the area of credit subsidies. It was much later that the research focussed on the evaluation of the overall “tool kit” of financial and budgetary politics in agriculture. It has been conducted, however, on the basis of different methodologies, which hampers the comparison of the produced results. Also, on many occasions the test samples were too small to be used in the more advanced quantitative analyses.