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1962 | 08 | 1 |

Tytuł artykułu

Clinical problems of chronic trichinellosis


Treść / Zawartość

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Problemy kliniczne przewlekłej włośnicy
Klinicheskie problemy khronicheskojj trikhinellezy

Języki publikacji



The paper deals with the results of studies on the effects of the passing of acute trichinellosis. The examinations were conducted on a group of 150 persons (84 males and 67 females) at the age from 10 to 74 years. All the examined individuals suffered from acute infection with trichinellae 6 years ago. In all the examined persons the allergic trichinellosis intradermal test was performed, the total eosinophilia was determined and they were subjected to detailed subjective and objective examination. In 61 cases (40.6%) a positive intradermal test result was found, 52 of them were early reactions (34.6%) and 9 (6%) were delayed reactions. In 3 cases of positive intradermal reaction also generał symptoms were observed. Out of the 150 examined individuals only 6 persons did not complain to suffer from any ailments. The remaining 144 persons from various environments and examined at various periods of the time complnined to suffer from various ailments, particularly from chronic joint-muscular pains, pains in the heart area and ease of fatique after insignificant physical exertions. On the basis of the a nalysis of the whole work it should be assumed that acute trichinellosis passes into chronic trichinellosis conditioned by many years lasting and not indiffirent to the infected organism allergization of the organism as the result of which various pathological ailments may occur.

Słowa kluczowe








Opis fizyczny



  • I Clinic of Internal Diseases, Medical Academy in Lodz, Lodz, Poland


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