Contaminated soil collected from an agricultural field was used to compare Cd enrichment among 20 soybean cultivars to explore their application foregrounds in safe production. The results showed that Cd concentration in beans of 20 soybean cultivars was from 0.23 mg kg⁻¹ to 2.33 mg kg⁻¹ when Cd concentration in soil was 1.98 mg kg⁻¹. Cd enrichment factors of 19 cultivars were lower than 1. Cd translocation factors of all cultivars were lower than 1. As for background soil with 0.15 mg kg⁻¹ Cd, the concentrations of Cd in beans of two soybean cultivars were higher than 0.10 mg kg⁻¹ (an agricultural trade standard of non-pollution food for soybean of China, NY5310-2005). Thus, the use of a low-accumulation soybean cultivar in Cd-contaminated soil should be done carefully and with reserve.