Foliar fertilization allows supplementation of nutrients during their highest demand by agricultural crops. During the growing period, the state of plant nutrition can be assessed based on the chlorophyll content in leaves, and such analyses can be made using the chlorophyll gauge. The measurement of the so-called leaf greenness index (SPAD) obtained in this way allows determination of the optimal fertilization doses in order to increase or improve the quality characteristics of the yield. A controlled field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Station of Cultivar Assessment in Przecław in 2011 - 2013. The aim of this study was to estimate the response of two faba bean morphotypes (Amulet and Granit) to foliar fertilization with a multicomponent fertilizer (Basfoliar 6-12-6). The foliar fertilization was applied twice, i.e.: at the budding stage (BBCH 55) and after flowering (BBCH 69). Foliar fertilization did not significantly modify the chlorophyll content in leaves as compared with the control. Intervarietal differences in the SPAD index were not proven either. The mean measurement of the so-called leaf greenness measured at the first flat pod stage (BBCH 70) amounted to 40 SPAD units. Seeds of the cultivar Amulet contained significantly more total protein, ash and fibre but less raw fat than the seeds of the cultivar Grant. Foliar fertilization resulted in a significant increase in raw fat content in the seeds, but only in the cultivar Amulet. The foliar fertilizer increased the content of potassium (K) and zinc (Zn) in seeds. Seeds of the cultivar Amulet as compared with Granit contained significantly more magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) but less phosphorus (P).