This paper shows the results of many years researches of the weed vegetation of vineyards in western Balkan which includes eight associations: Panico-Galinsogetum parviflorae Tüxen et Becker 1942, PanicoPortulacetum oleraceae Lozanovski 1962, Cynodono-Sorghetum halepensae (Laban 1974) Kojić 1979, Amarantho-Fumarietum Tüxen 1955, Diplotaxietum muralis Kovačević 2013, Convolvulo-Polygonetum aviculare Kovačević 2014, Erigerono-Setarietum glaucae Šumatić 1997 and Convolvulo-Agropyretum repentis Felföldy 1943. By projecting the plant communities on the main components (Principal Component Analysis) and comparing them to the ecological indices (variables), it shows that Cynodono-Sorghetum halepensae and Diplotaxietum muralis are similar according to their humidity (F) and temperature (T) requirements and Cynodono-Sorghetum halepensae and Diplotaxietum muralis are similar according to their chemical reaction of the soil (R). Amarantho-Fumarietum and Erigerono-Setarietum glaucae are the similar according to their demands for the light (L).