Rats of Wistar strain at different inbred level: 0, 25, 37, 50 and 100% have been exposed to stress of 3 day starvation and 3h swimming. The control group have been subjected to ether anaestesia in order to collect blood samples. The effect of inbred level on the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-corticoadrenal axis have been studied. Corticotropin /ACTH/ and corticosterone /C/ concentrations in blood serum of female and male rats have been determined by RIA. Histological analysis of hypothalamic secretory nucleus, responsible for corticotropin releasing factor /CRF/ production, as well as fascicular layer of adrenal cortex responsible for glucocorticoid production has been made. It has been found that the potency of the hormones examined decreases with the increase of inbred level. The results prove sexual dimorphism in the rosponse of general adaptation syndrome. Females are less sensitive not only to the effort of rising homozygosity but also to stress.