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2020 | 164 | 06 |

Tytuł artykułu

Oczekiwania polskiego społeczeństwa związane z działalnością rekreacyjno-turystyczną w środowisku leśnym

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Expectations of the Polish society related to recreational and tourist activities in the forest environment

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The aim of the work was to show the expectations of the Polish society towards leisure time as well as tourist and recreational activities in the forest environment. We tried to define the reasons for staying in forest environment, indicate the most valuable qualities of forest area and factors that disturb the presence in forest. We indicated the greatest threats to the forest environment and expectations of the population regarding the facilities for using the forest environment for leisure purposes as well as recreational and tourist activities. The diagnostic survey method was used. The questionnaire included 10 closed questions, half of which were used for the purpose of this work. The attitude was measured with a five−point Likert scale after the use of activities related to the construction and validation. The sample consisted of 1068 adult respondents, who were chosen according to the place of residence (village, town up to 30 thousand and over 30 thousand inhabitants), age (up to 25 years, from 26 to 40 years, from 41 to 55 years as well as older than 56), gender and 6 regions of Poland. We applied the analysis of discriminant function in statistical analysis. The classification function was used in the form of calculating coefficients that were determined for each of the created groups. The main goals of stay in forest are group trips, running and cycling, as well as health values of this environment and observation of fauna and flora combined with the collection of forest undergrowth. The main advantages of this environment are healthy and fresh air, and peace. Factors disturbing stay in the forest include its littering and too many visitors, while the biggest threats are forest fires and its excessive exploitation by visitors. It is expected that the infrastructure supporting relaxation in the forest environment will be developing. Polish forest resources through the richness of natural values and with proper supply of tourist and recreational infrastructure can be the main area of creating tourist and recreational products. The education of visitors is expected to improve the perception of forest resources as a place of rest and regeneration of vital forces.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce
  • Zakład Agroturystyki i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, ul. Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin


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