Przedstawiono wyniki badań konsumenckich w zakresie oddziaływania percepcyjnych atrybutów kawy, tj. opakowania, marki oraz reklamy na respondentów.
Packing, brand and advertisement are creating the cohesive composition making a basket of emotional attributes of product. Noticing them by purchasers is however diversified through the prism of importance at choice. An attractive packing was the most important factor of three examined factors of the perceptual influence on coffee purchasers. An advertisement showed itself the least of the crucial factor. Although respondents are negating the influence of the advertisement on their decisions, a list of most often bought brands of coffee is strictly to tied remembering particular advertisements amongst examined persons. From a point of view of respondents the most important attributes of packing are: the capacity, colors together with the design and easiness of keeping packing up together with contents after opening. People are also attaching importance to the informational function of packing. The capacity, the brand and the validity date belong to the information sought by them most often. Packing, brand and advertisement are factors which are influencing purchase decisions of consumers to a considerable degree. Their influence is the more effective, the more they are integrated which gives the desired image and identity of product.