Volodymyr Dal East-Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, Ukraine
1. Bogata I.N. The strategic account of the enterprises property. - Rostov on Don: Feniks. 2001. - 320 p.
2. Van Xorn D.K. Bases of the financial management.- M.: Finance and statistics, 1996. - 756 p.
3. Kozachenko A.V. The mechanism of strategic management of the large industrial-financial systems in the industries. - Donetsk: IIE NAS of Ukraine, 1998. - 348 p.
4. Kollas B. Enterprise financial management. Problems, concepts and methods. / A translation from French by prof. Sokolov. - M. : Finance, UNITI, 1997.
5. Kostyrko L.A. Diagnostics of economic security potential of the enterprise. Monography. - Lugansk: EUNU named by B. Dal, 2004. - 240 c.
6. Official site of the statistics ministry of Ukraine. - http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/operativ2009/fin/fin_rez/fr_ed/fr_ed_u/fr_ed_1208_u.htm.
7. Pankov V.A. Cost management of the high technology machinebuilding enterprise: theory and practice. - K. Scientific thought, 2003. - 424 p.
8. Hominich I.P. Companies financial strategy - M.: The Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998. - 156 p.