In the last decades global economic processes and decreasing agricultural employment have caused serious structural problems in a number of rural areas all over the EU and other developed countries as well. The main objective of this paper was to define the possibilities of Leader program 2007-2013 in those impaired micro-regions that suffered most from the decrease of employment in agriculture in Hungary during the period 1990-2003. According to multivariate statistical methods the analysed micro-regions have a strong correlation with spatial ineąualities, and the selected micro-regions lag behind concerning the necessary local resources, especially human resources. We have evaluated the implementation of Local Rural Development Strategies. It is a very current issue in Hungary, since the mid-term review of these strategies is underway right now. We have drawn conclusion that this initiative has already a significant contribution to the redressing of local problems, but some changes are necessary to be carried out to completely reach its goals and generate even more positive development.
W artykule dokonano analizy Lokalnych Strategii Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na Węgrzech wdrażanych w ramach inicjatywy Leader. Stwierdzono, że mimo pozytywnych efektów dalsza intensyfikacja działań jest niezbędna dla osiągnięcia założonych celów.