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2014 | 08 | 2 |

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The peculiarities of the daily physical activity of the pupils of the general educational institutions

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The peculiarities of the daily physical activity of the pupils of the general educational institutions of Ukraine are identified in the article. It is stressed that motor activity combines various motor actions and is defined by amount of movements performed by a person in the process of vital activity. For defining of daily motor activity it was used the methodology of timekeeping developed by scientists of Framingham State University for children and teenagers that is based on registration of human activity during a day. For defining the amount of time spent on each kind of motor activity, it was conducted a daily timekeeping of human activities: fixing of time spent on each kind in the succession as they alternated with each other. It is determined that the juveniles' specially organized physical activity makes 0,33-0,44 hrs, it is by 65-70% lower than the hygiene standards. The indices of the daily physical activity of the 11-15-year-old pupils are 31,1 - 33,49 points. The mentioned index among boys is by 0,61-5,75% higher than among girls. Index of daily motor activity among girls increases till the age of 12, after that it decreases gradually. Among boys the highest level of physical activity is revealed at the age of 13-14, after that it is observed decreasing of the results. The level of the pupils' physical activity is determined by the traditions of physical culture at school, by the available material resources, by the level of the professional skills of the teachers of physical culture, educationalists, school authorities.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2 Kotsjubynskyi Str.Chernivtsi 58012, Ukraine
  • Lesya Ukrainka East European National University in Lutsk, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Lesya Ukrainka East European National University in Lutsk, Lutsk, Ukraine


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