We describe a new karyotype for Cavia magna Ximenez, 1980 from an estuarine island and the karyotype of Cavia aperea Erxleben, 1777 from an adjacent mainland. The species have differences in diploid number (2n), autosomal fundamental number, quantity, and distribution of heterochromatin as dissimilar distributions of the nucleolus-organizing regions (Ag-NORs). The C. aperea karyotype has a diploid number of 64 as previously reported for C. aperea and most other Cavia species. In contrast, this new C. magna karyotype exhibits a variant diploid number of 2n = 62, considering that previous work reported a karyotype of 2n = 64 for C. magna. The discovery of a distinct diploid number within C. magna represents the first record of intra-specific chromosomal variation in a species of Caviidae. The diploid number of 2n = 62, heterochromatin quantity, Ag-NOR distributions, and inversed X chromosome from this population of C. magna are as seen in the geographically proximate (Cavia intermedia Cherem Olimpio and Ximenez; intermediate Cavy). These data provide further evidence supporting C. magna as the sister species of C. intermedia.