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2009 | 11 | 6 |

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Agricultural products noted on commodities exchange and global financial crisis

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Produkty rolne notowane na giełdach towarowych a globalny kryzys finansowy

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The trade of agricultural products on commodity exchange and the prices at the exchange are controlled by specific inner regularities. The prices are considerably affected by the cyclicality of production, the annual yield fluctuation by countries (internal market) and world production (world market), as well as the demand for products. The prices are partly independent from other commodity exchange products. The paper analyses the forward deals (by exchange technical analysis and statistical methods) in the grain section of the Budapest Stock Exchange in Hungary in order to prove that the commodity exchange products, too, could not temporarily be kept away from the impact of financial crisis which started in summer 2008. Temporarily, the stock exchange processes pulled the grain market prices down, which badly influenced the income and receipts positions, but made a price correction in the fodder maize and fodder wheat prices which slipped out of control in 2007. This latter fact made the position of livestock farmers more favourable.
W artykule podjęto próbę analizy wpływu globalnego kryzysu finansowego na notowania podstawowych produktów rolnych na Budapesztańskiej Giełdzie. Przy wykorzystaniu narzędzi analizy technicznej i metod statystycznych zbadano dla jakich grup produktów ceny wzrosły, a dla jakich zmalały.








Opis fizyczny



  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Szent Istvan University, Pater K. u.1., H-2103 Godollo, Hungary


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