Przedstawiono strukturę i rentowność kapitału w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych pogrupowanych według typów produkcyjnych. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że decyzje rolników w zakresie kształtowania struktury kapitału w swoich gospodarstwach, pomimo zwiększenia odsetka kapitału obcego (długoterminowego) w kapitale łącznym, mieściły się w zakresie zachowawczej strategii finansowania i podyktowane były przede wszystkim minimalizowaniem ryzyka finansowego.
The article presents the structure and the profitability of capital in farms grouped by type of production, leading agricultural accounting in the FADN in the years 2004-2008. The study showed that during that period there were significant positive changes both in the level of capital, as well as the level of funding by long-term loans. The proportion of these changes developed much more favorably in relation to foreign capital, which resulted in increasing its share in total capital. This led to a change in capital structure, but still the farmers showed conservative approach in financial management of their farms. Such decisions were mainly related to minimizing financial risks and the desire to maintain liquidity. To a lesser extent, were they related to the issues of profitability, as reflected in the rate of return on invested capital and the scale offinancial leverage.