Fungi may cause internal decay, cankers, loosening of tissue and cell walls result into weak forks in the trunk and large branches. Tree rot may be associated with root decay, damage to foliage and fruits. Wood decay fungi isolated from Tamarindus indica were Daldinia concentrica, Schizophyllum commune, Flavodon flavus, Irpex hydnoides, and Phellinus fastuosus, in which D. concentrica causing canker rot is reported for the first time from India and F. flavus and I. hydnoides P. fastuosus are recorded for the first time on T. indica wood causing white rot. During canker rot, formation of bark canker and extensive internal decay of wood was observed; as a result the tree growing in the M.S. University campus became structurally unstable and broken off at the canker face. Early detection and removal of such hazardous branches of trees is advocated to avoid loss of life and property.