In 1975 as a result of the 4.5-metre uplifting of water in two lakes functioning since the late glacial (Niewiarowski 1976), there was created the Pakość Reservoir (West Noteć River). It is the biggest lake-type reservoir in Poland (Gołdyn 1990). The water area increased from 8,1 to 13,0 km². The scale of changes on the reservoir turned the natural lake-like body of water into artificial one. The exploitation manual of the reservoir allows for water level amplitudes up to 3.9 m, within the range from 75.5 m above sea level that is 0.6 m above maximum water levels which occurs on lakes before their accumulation to 79.4 m above sea level. In this situation more then 1/3 area of the reservoir is periodically drained. Before the uplifting water level in lakes cut trees growing beside lakes. At present there are many tree roots on the periodically drained part of shore zone which are 0,4-1,2 m uncovered (Photo 1, 2). Coastal zone of the Pakość Reservoir is stili active. Along abrasive part of it there is observed the cliff edge recession. From 1975 to 2003 it was removed about 12-35 m. The average speed in last years is about 10 cm per year. One of the effects of this process is the uncovering of the tree roots which grow in abrasion part of coastal zone. Next years this process will cover new trees growing in bigger distance from position of basic coastal line. When more then 80% tree roots are uncovered and exposed - the tree dies. In Pakość Reservoir to fulfill it this process takes less then 25 years!