The paper discusses the main ideas of design and results of practical implementation of the Computer Systems for assessment and prediction of an operator fitness-for-duty and reasons for discrepancy of operator psychophysiological opportunities to occupational requirements that can reduce his reliability and general fitness-for-duty. Principles of functioning of the system for a pre-shift assessment of operator fitness-for-work are settled in definite terms. The structure of the system and the algorithm of the system work are described. Results of industrial check of the system work in real-settings (power plants) are discussed. The main results are: (1) very high relationship between indices of operators task performance when working with the system and indices of their professional work that were registered by the technological automatic system of the plant, (2) substantially higher accuracy of the prognosis built by the system (85- 90%) in comparison with other means of an operator check known from published data (70% as the best).