The authors discuss cysticercosis of the brain basing on the background of the data found in the literature, mainly on the experiment of Stępień (1962) and the investigatiors' own 16 cases. They draw attention to the great heterogenicity of the clinical symptoms of cysticercosis and to the diagnostic difficulties connected with the disease. The authors' opinion is that the most useful as regards the clinical course is the subdivision of cysticercosis of the brain proposed by Stępień and Choróbski (1949) into 3 groups: tumorous, oedematous and hydrocephalic. The authors reached the conclusion that unquestionably encouraging results of surgical treatment can be obtained in the I, tumorous group. In the II group of the patients suffering from a severe brain oedema, the results are worse, however, in a number of the patients a surgical operation may appear to be successful. In the III, hydrocephalic group the results are discouraging, however, the state of the patients compels to make the surgical operation.