The bionomy and ecology of Aphis craccivora on Robinia pseudoacacia was studied. The number of generations per year was determined, as well the lifespan of a generation and fecundity of the females. For the first time the strategy of development of a dangerous pest has been determined which enables it to spread worldwide. A. craccivora is a cosmopolitan species. It is a polyphagous insect settling on over fifty different plant species across nineteen families. It settles on green plants and trees of the Leguminosae family. It is considered to be one of the most important pests of crops causing great losses to yield. The cowpea aphid adapts to changing environmental conditions, particularly to high temperatures as well as to different host plants. Its adaptation strategies can be seen in its biology, morphology and behaviour. The main adjustment is the production of even up to 15 generations per year, high fecundity, ability to form dwarf morphs, and settling not only green plants but also trees. These features enable this species to expand and adjust to new conditions and new plants.