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1998 | 02 |

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Cercopagis pengoi (Cladocera) conquered the southern Baltic Sea


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The Ponto-Caspian cladocera Cercopagis pengoi invaded the Baltic Sea in 1992. For the first time it was recorded in the Gulf of Riga and three years later it appeared in the Gulf of Finland. In the summer of 1999 it had been also found in huge numbers in shallow areas (0.5 - 10 m) of the Gulf of Gdańsk.

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  • Department of Ecology and Protection of the Sea, University of Education of Slupsk, Arciszewskiego St.22, 76-200 Slupsk, Poland


  • Avinskyi, V. A. 1997. C. pengoi – a new species in the Eastern Gulf of Finland. (In:) Sarkkula J. (Ed.), Proc. Finar Seminar of the Gulf of Finland Year 1996, Helsinki, Finland, 247-256.
  • Bychenkov, D. E., Rodionova, R. V. 1996. Some results of the observations on the crustacean and rotifers of the Neva Bay and the Gulf of Finland. (In:) Problems of Hydrobiology of Continental Waters and their Macrofauna. Zool. Inst. RAS, St. Petersburg, 13-14 (in Russian).
  • Golasch, S., Leppäkoski, E. 1999. Initial Risk Assessment of Alien Species in Nordic Coastal Waters; Nord, - Nordic Council of Ministers, (1999), 8, 244 pages.
  • Krylov, P. I., Bychenkov, D. E., Panov, V. E., Rodionova, N. V., Telesh, I. V. 1999. Distribution and seasonal dynamics of the Ponto-Caspian invader Cercopagis pengoi (Crustacea, Cladocera) in the Neva Estuary (Gulf of Finland), Hydrobiolgia 393, 227-232.
  • MacIsaak, H. J., Grigorovich, I. A., Hoyle, J. A., Yan, N. D., Panov, V. E. 1998. Invasion of Lake Ontario by the Ponto-Caspian cladoceran predator Cercopagis pengoi; - Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. (in press).
  • Ojaveer, H., Lumberg, A. 1995. On the role of Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov) in Pärnu Bay and the NE part of the Gulf of Riga ecosystem; Proc. Eston. Acad. Sci. Ecol., 5, 20-25.
  • Panov, V. E., Krylov, P. I., Telesh, I. V. 1996. The Caspian predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi invades the Gulf of Finland. Balt. Float. Univ. Res. Bull., 2, 80-81.

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