The examinations were performed in 129 patients; hepatomegaly was found in 50 cases; in 2 cases, post-mortem examinations showed in one case steatosis hepatis, in the other hepar muschatum. Laboratory examinations revealed variations in the level of blood serum bilirubin in the limits of 0.34-1.3 mg%; moreover, the majority of persons showed shortening of Weltmann's band, increase in GPT (80-682 units), aldolase activity (20-200 units) and a rise in quinine oxydase value. In some cases there was an increase in GOT, but mostly its value was normal. In some cases ceroplasmine level was also enhanced ; the pseudocholesterinase level of the blood serum was mostly decreased; the alcaline phosphatase activity showed, as a rule, no abnormalities, whereas serum catalase activity exhibited dyscatal asemia. In the authors' opinion, these findings indicate an incipient damage to the liver parenchym in patients with trichinellosis.