Przedstawiono preferencje w konsumpcji owoców i warzyw, określając ulubione warzywa, owoce całoroczne i sezonowe, a także wskazując ważność określonych cech przy wyborze owoców i warzyw do spożycia. Do analizy wykorzystano 265 ankiet, spośród których 139 ankietowanych studiowało na kierunku Ekonomia, a 126. Ogrodnictwo.
The aim of this paper was to present and analyze the preferences in the fruits and vegetables consumption by indicating at maximum 5 the most favorable fruits (available all year round and seasonal) and vegetables. Furthermore there were pointed out the importance of the specified factors for selection the fruits and vegetables. The data come from 256 questionnaires collected among Life Science University.s students of two departments: Economics (139 persons) and Horticultural (126). The most preferred fruits available all year round were: bananas (83% indications), apples (80%), grapes (63%), oranges (60%) and mandarins (53%). The most favorable seasonal fruits were: strawberries (90%), sweet cherries (77%), raspberries (70%), pears (55%) and plums (49%). The most preferred vegetables were: tomatoes (82%), potatoes (54%), carrots (49%) and cucumbers (47%). The most important factors for fruits were taste and then the freshness and health value, but for vegetables the most important were freshness and then taste and health value. Unimportant factor for selection both the fruits and vegetables was fashion.