Referat dotyczy problematyki pomiaru równoważenia rozwoju na obszarach wiejskich. W zaprezentowanym przykładzie oceny zastosowano wybrane wskaźniki ilościowe, dotyczące sieci wodociągowej, kanalizacyjnej i gazowej oraz w zakresie ładu środowiskowego. Zbadano również zmienność tych zjawisk w czasie za pomocą indeksów o podstawie zmiennej w latach 2004-2008.
The paper ains to discuss the issues related to measuring the sustainability of development of rural areas with respect to environmental order, in contrast to urban areas. The investigations covered rural areas in Poland as defined in the Polish classification system, i.e. areas outside administrative borders of towns. The study included data from the years 2004-2008. Regarding research on sustainable development in rural areas it is important to stress that information gathered in the Regional Data Bank, a small number of statistical features generated for rural areas creating a statistical unit is an obstacle. In the present study, access to the network infrastructure promoting environment conservation in the countryside and in towns has been compared. Based on the results, it has been concluded that there are evident disproportions in the number of residents using network facilities in villages and in towns, which was particularly evident in the case of sewage and gas pipelines.