Celem pracy była ocena wpływu nieprodukcyjnego użytkowania łąki na glebie mineralnej na zawartość N-NO3 w środowisku glebowo-wodnym. Badania prowadzono na wieloletnim doświadczeniu łąkowym w miejscowości Laszczki w województwie mazowieckim. Do badań pobierano w latach 2007-2012 próbki gleby i wód gruntowych ze studzienek kontrolnych. W wyciągu 0,01 mol CaCl2 z gleby oraz w wodach gruntowych oznaczono zawartość N-NO3 metodą kolorymetrii przepływowej z segmentowanym strumieniem (SFA), ponadto w wymienionym wyciągu glebowym zmierzono pHCaCl metodą potencjometryczną. Nieprodukcyjne użytkowanie łąki polegające na pozostawianiu skoszonej roślinności na powierzchni sprzyjało akumulacji w niej N-NO3. Otrzymane dodatnie zależności Persona między zawartością Corg i N-NO3 w glebie łąkowej (AN: r = 0,624*** i CN: r = 0,508**) wskazuj ą na możliwość tworzenia kompleksów tego składnika z glebową materią organiczną. Wody gruntowe pobierane spod łąki nieprodukcyjnie użytkowanej miały małe stężenie azotu azotanowego (I i II klasa), a pogorszenie ich jakości występowało sporadycznie po zróżnicowaniu użytkowania łąki.
The studies were aimed at assessing the effect of differentiated use the meadow on N-NO3 content in the mineral soil and in the ground water. The study was conducted on long-term meadow experiment situted in Laszczki in Masovian Province. Experiment was set up in 1981 on degraded black eart of grain size structure of light dusty loam. Experiment had been productivelly used to 2004 year. The meadow experiment was mineral fertilized, at a rate of 120 and 240 kg N∙ha-Ly-1 in a form of ammonium nitrate (AN) and calcium nitrate (CN). Addition, the uniform fertilization of PK: 34.9 kg P∙ha-1 i 149.4 kg K∙ha-1- г1. In 2004-2008 abandoned fertilizing and harvesting of meadow experiment. The only agrotechnical measure was the regular cutting of meadow vegetation and leaving it on the plots. In 2009 introduced three objects with varied use: i) two objects with out fertilisation: Kp (meadow vegetation was systematically cut and left on the plot) and Kz (meadow vegetation was cut and taken away from the plots); ii) one object was fertilised with mineral fertilisers with 120 №ha-1-y-1 on forms nitrogen: AN and CN. The soil samples from layer do 10 cm deph and water samples from the control wells were taken from the meadow experiment. Those samples were taken every month from March to December in 2007-2012. The soil samples extracted with 0,01 mol CaCl2-dm-3 (1 : 10) and then in the soil solution and the groundwater was determined of N-NO3 content by colorimetric method with segmented flow stream (SFA) and pH in 0.01 mol CaCl2 measured of potentiometrically. The obtained results indicate that non-productive use and leaving of meadow vegetation on the plots (object: Kp) contributed to the accumulation of N-NO3 in soil. A much lower content of this component in the soil were found on the objects: Kz and N120, which was regularly harvested of meadow vegetation. The ground water under the meadow experiment during its productive use had low concentrations of N-NO3 (class I and II purity of ground water) and the deterioration of it quality has been observed periodically after the productive use of the meadow. Positive linear Person correlations were obtained between the content of Corg and N-NO3 in meadow soil. Obtained correlation may indicate on accumulation of this component with organic matter and reduce migration N-NO3 to the ground water.