Theta rhythm is one of the finest examples of synchrony in the mammalian brain. Hippocampal formation (HPC) theta is best described in rats and this EEG pattern consists of very regular, almost sinusoidal waves in the frequency range of 3–12 Hz. It is well-known that HPC theta rhythm is a result of the ascending brainstem-hippocampal synchronizing pathway activation, which originates in the pons and then projects to posterior hypothalamus, medial septum, and finally to the HPC. Recently, we have shown that administration of cholinergic agent – carbachol (75 μM), induces theta rhythm in in vitro maintained posterior hypothalamic area (PHa), specifically supramammillary nucleus (SuM) and posterior hypothalamic nuclei (PH). The purpose of this mapping study was to present the topography of areas capable of generation local theta rhythm in PHa slices as a result of carbachol administration. Supported by NCN grant 2011/01/B/N24/00373.