The aim of our study was to determine the effect of habitat conditions on the nutrients content in the seeds of different cultivars of faba bean and pea (edible and fodder cultivars). Experiments were located in some different parts of Poland (9 for faba bean, 11 for field pea). Nine cultivars of faba bean, 17 edible cultivars of pea, and 13 fodder cultivars of pea were used in these experiments. The study showed that the contents of components varied between cultivars of both species depending on examined factors. The contents of the components also varied depending on location. In southern Poland the average crude fibre and crude protein contents were higher than in the northern and northwestern parts of the country. Significant differences between cultivars of faba bean were found in the contents of crude fibre, crude protein, and soluble sugars. All the tested faba bean cultivars contained a similar amount of crude fat. The average crude protein and crude fibre content in pea seeds was higher in the fodder cultivars than in the edible ones. The smallest content of fibre among all the cultivars was noted in the northern and the largest in the southeastern regions of Poland. Most cultivars of pea showed a similar sugar content. The most favorable conditions of sugar accumulation occurred in the southern part and the least in the northeastern and the northern parts of the country. Fodder cultivars showed relatively little variability in starch content. The agro-ecological conditions influenced content of concentration of nutrients in the seeds of faba bean and pea.