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Efekty stosowania kilku biostymulatorów w uprawie truskawki odmiany Salut

Warianty tytułu

Effect of the use of some biostimulants on the cultivated strawberry variety Salut

Języki publikacji



An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the following biostimulants: Algex (0.7%), Goëmar BM 86 (0.75%) and Betokson Super 050 SL (0.1%), used three times as a spraying treatment of strawberries, on the number of runner transplants, fruit yield, weight of one berry and extract content in fruit. It was shown that none of used biostimulants significantly affected the number of runner plantlets in individual quality groups, as compared with the control. It was found only a slight tendency towards a positive influence of Goëmar BM 86 and Algex on strawberry yielding. All examined chemicals did not significantly influence the weight of one berry either, including conditions under stress. Betokson Super 050 SL significantly increased the extract content in fruit only when compared with the plants treated with Goëmar BM 86.

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Opis fizyczny



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